Saturday 26 November 2011

Sculpture for Schools Program

After working on several sculpture projects with schools and educational organisations over the last few years I've come to realise just how valuable these sorts of projects can be in generating enthusiasm and creativity in young people at every stage of their education.

For me one of the big attractions of sculpture as a medium is it's physical presence and permanence, achieving a tangible and long lasting end product which can really contribute to the sense of identity of a school community.

I also feel that it's extremely valuable to provide a direct insight into the manufacturing process itself. To see a project develop from an initial idea into something real and permanent adds a new dimension to the traditional academic learning process.

With this in mind I've developed a commissioning process aimed specifically at schools, designed to make the whole process as transparent and accessible as possible. This places the creative process at the heart of the project and encourages and encourages the whole school to get closely involved through discussions and workshops and give them a strong sense of ownership of the finished work.

The following two images come from a project undertaken in collaboration with a primary school in Shropshire and illustrate how pupil's work can become an important part of the final work. 

Student Drawing

Finished lizard sculpture